The Drawings So Far:

Monday, 31 August 2009

Day 9: Like a wolf in sheep's wool only not at all

So, bonus! Two pictures. I suppose you could call it Fan Art (shudder) but I don't know. That label has a stigma. Anyway I've been reading The Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett. It deals with the last recruits in a pointless war and all the troops are girls disguising themselves as boys and putting socks in their trousers to try and fake it. Hehe Anyway, it intruiges me a lot- the story, not the socks- so I thought I'd try and capture it a bit. The top picture is of one of the characters who is a man and has only read about the 'art' of fighting and so on and so is pretty useless at the whole thing. Its good stuff. I had hoped to colour them or shade them or put them in a scene, but things have been getting on top of me like you wouldn't believe! Off to try and wade through the pile of ToDo's now. Wish me luck! *dives into the pile*

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