The Drawings So Far:
Monday, 30 November 2009
Day 100: ITS OVER!
Well its not over as such. Its changing. From now, Day 100, I will be posting only weekly. Today was my first day of work (whee!) and as such I realised it will mean yet more changes in life and such. I decided that posting a drawing everyday is a bit tedious and doesn't always generate the best artwork and whatnot. So I figured its time to try something new. A post-a-week. A project a week. Something like that anyway. It'll give me more time to think out each idea rather than chucking any old thing up. See you in a few days!
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Day 98: concern
A boy walking past has noticed a girl seems to be upset and doesn't know whether to stop and talk to her or not. I don't know why, I guess its because I spent a lot of time on buses and wandering around shops today and got to notice different people in their own little worlds. :)
Friday, 27 November 2009
Day 97: Present
So its another cute dragon for you :) Working up one of the ideas for a christmas card design. I'm not sure about this one, I think it needs work, refining. Might still go with one of the other ideas. Once again the old Photoshop/Painter colour changing issues have reared their ugly desaturating/oversaturating heads. Any road, I'm off to watch the end of Big now. Gotta love a bit of memory lane. :)
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Day 96: Dragons
Thinking of ideas for my Christmas card. Incidentally when this reaches 100 days I'm changing how this all works, quite a lot. More in a few days.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Day 95: Monster
So you may have seen the sketch of this a few posts ago. Well I thought I'd work it up a bit. Hope you like it. :)
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Day 94: Day and Night
So I'm planning a few gallery pieces for real arty canvas with real paint. These are done in Painter so they don't quite count- they are merely roughs to give me some idea of what I can achieve with just my memory. :)
Monday, 23 November 2009
Day 93: Mashup
Hiya, sorry for the mash-up pic. The doctore gave me some antibiotics and its having some nasty side effects. I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll be able to pop back to a picture or two on here and work them up- the monster especially. I'm back to cuddling the blanket and thinking calm-stomach thoughts. :)
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Day 92: home
Its a dwarf heading home. Wanted it to be a bit brighter but my cold/illnessythingy/flu/whatever it is is getting too bad for me to think. Should be back in Swansea when I post here next :)
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Day 91: bus boy
An idea for a short animation about a guy on a bus just trying to stay upright and maybe even read the newspaper. I wanted him super skinny, may make him even skinnier again. :]
Friday, 20 November 2009
Day 90: Dwaking
This is a dwarf. Wait no its a viking. No its a dwarf! Ahhh whats the difference, I mean really, when you get down to it. :P Yes so this is Dawkin the Dwaking. I wanted a desktop for my second screen (I'm not fancy or posh I just have a fancy adapter hehe) and so I thought of a dwarfviking, as you do. I'm pretty happy with it, though it wasn't quite the style I was first aiming for I think I like this more. :)
Jamie and me bought a more games for our new xbox today, Fable and Assassins Creed. I'm a happy bunny, I've wanted to play them for a very long time! He also got something about zombies or something like that, Dead Space, I don't know, don't imagine I'll ever play it so I don't care what it is haha. Night night *tumbles into bed*
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Day 89: Out of the sky
*yaaaaawwwwwnnn* I have no right to be as tired as I am but thats what happens when you get ill. Nevermind, I'm not letting it bother me- even the headaches can be ignored! I hope you like this, I drew it up whilst watching Scrubs and Misfits then finished it off after. Good times. Night night :)
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Day 88: Flowers In The Window
Well I've always liked country houses and so today this drawing flowed quite naturally. I remember, from a Travis song, that flowers in the window has a certain meaning. Not so here, I just wanted to draw some flowers in a watering can. :)
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Day 87: caught out
Hi, yea.. Um. Sorry for todays drawing. I got caught out in icey rain with a migraine so basically I can't draw now. Will endevour to make tomorrows drawing awesome!
Monday, 16 November 2009
Day 86: Red Balloon
Okay so its not exactly original and I'm pretty sure I've done red balloon / Nena references before but, ya know, well, I like it. So sue me! Today I finally got my job references sorted (much to the happiness of the job lady who thought she was gonna do all the hunting herself, ha, doesn't know me then! So many phone calls!) so I guess I'm feeling a lot happier, and a lot less guilty when I play games haha. Hope you like this, I doodled out the sky and thought 'well that looks lovely and real and sky-like but it needs a subject' so in popped the balloon. I suppose you could also say its a Pixar reference and I wouldn't begrudge you that!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Day 85: Waiting
She's waiting for her boyfriend. She's been waiting a long time and he's late- she knows he'll come but she's starting to worry. I was just going to upload a pencil sketch but then I decided to 'just drop some colour on'. An hour later here you go. :)
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Day 83: Hoppin About
So I asked for ideas for what to draw today and Terry Cooper put a request in for Space Hoppers. :D Done! :D
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Day 82: Dancing Dessert Dame
Dancing Desert Dame. Or dames. I couldn't help but try a few different flavours. I'm always glad when I draw a woman that actually looks like a woman so I'm pretty pleased with this. Its probably something to do with not actually trying to draw a woman- just curving shapes- or Flash. It could well be Flash. That programs just plain great to draw with!
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Day 81: Coconut boy
Coconut boy is annoyed at everything. Any road, great, excellent day today. Went to Merthyr to see the parents and pick up some stuff. Got offered another job which I turned down [that was exciting] and another interview where I did the same thing!! :D
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Day 80: Zombie Gent
I have a job! Today I was offered a job with Greggs. Lovely stuff. And tomorrow I'm going home for a quick visit which is lovely. Anyways this guy is a result of a conversation about zombies and how an english zombie would just moan and groan about the weather. :)
Monday, 9 November 2009
Day 79: what he ssssaaay?
So back to the children's illustration project a bit here. This is another part of the Egyptian kids book I'm developing with my other half. Its where the lead character meets this talking snake God. Trying to figure out the costume that will work- apparently most egyptian children didn't wear clothes- and still be accurate. :)
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Day 78: Lazy Ol' Wizard
This is possibly the laziest wizard ever. He only ever uses his powers for himself and usually for food.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Friday, 6 November 2009
Day 76:
So I put a bit more effort in today haha. I'm trying to think of gallery pieces. I think this one could possibly work. Needs a name tho. Can't seem to think of one right now sorry :/
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Day 74: Happy Nom Times
Yay! Early post! Whoo! Now I have the whole evening to... Um. Job search? A guy came over today to talk to me about a home learning college thing which would teach me about web design. It sounds good and interesting. He actually saw this drawing and now wants me to do some illustrations for a kids book about martial arts :D hehe, hope something comes of it. I'm really glad I came back to this picture to shade it, I think its better for it. :)
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Day 73: Nommy
Sorry, I can't stop to chat. Need to be near a sick bowl [it's okay, it'll pass]. Hope to finished this tomorrow. :)
Monday, 2 November 2009
Day 72: Nope
So I did have a good day today. I had a nice interview. Although after that I made the mistake of popping by the place I had my Saturday interview and got given a lovely piece of schpiel to the effect of 'yeah we hired some teenagers cause they are cheaper'. Well not exactly but all the same... Hope you like it anyway, I only decided to draw it properly because I liked the pose ideas.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Day 70: Bendy Man
Sorry for todays effort. Ha, not a good start to it. I've been trevelling and them some today. Me, Jamei and my friend Kate also got drowned by the rain as we were heading for the train station. That rain was INTENSE! Then we had to spend over an hour on a train soaking wet and with delays due to 'alarming noises' in the next carriage. Never did find out what it was about, I mean they explained but I didn't understand- I was falling asleep. Any road, this weekend of crazieness is proving quite taxing on me. Never mind, its excellent fun and more than worth it! Heres to tomorrow being better :D
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Day 70- travelling pumpkins batman
So I find myself once again caught out on the move! After an interview in Swansea this morning I had to run to get home and back to catch the bus to Merthyr in time to go to a Halloween party. On the way to the party I realised I Hadn't posted the drawing for today so I came back early just to make one o. My iPod and post it. Ain't that dedication for ya? Sorry it's not very good, I'm not very good at the app yet.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, 30 October 2009
Day 69: Under the sea
This is actually a background from a few days ago LINK that I've just evolved a bit to make it more interesting. If you check the other picture you'll see it looks a quite a lot different. thats because this is more what it looked like before it went through photoshop to get all textured up.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Day 68: Old Coot
So I've been watching a bbc show called Its Only A Theory. Don't worry if you've never heard of it I'm not sure how 'big' it is. But its excellent. Scientists are put infront of a team of 2 comedians [who present it] and one guest, they must try to convince the board of some theory of theirs. Its great, very funny and love how excentric the scientists are- their enthusiasm is adorable. Anyways this guy is based off of it. A nice little trip down Illustrator-road to do the lines today. :]
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Day 67: Out There
So I don't know whether to say this is inspired by the cosmos or if its a made-up one. Who knows. Its spacey anyways. A nice experiment with colour. I found a photograph of some coral in an aquarium and used its colours as a base to work off to get to this- I also referenced a few of my favourite Hubble photos to get lighting and stars and such.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Day 66: A New Journey
This piece is in the style of my children's book just this time the kid is under water rather than in space. Hope you like it.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Day 65: Stoney Man
Apologies if todays picture seems to have a little less effort than usual. I've become terribly ill very suddenly today and so I'm not really in a position to draw for more than 3 minutes at a time. I think I'll be better tomorrow once my blood pressure comes back up and my sugar levels are at a more sensible place. Anyway, hope you're all good. See you tomorrow!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Day 64: She Wuz Gaggin fer it mun
A nice little chav to brighten your day today. Sketched this on the train back from Cardiff yesterday but I kept it aside to line and colour it. I hear some bloke talking himself up for the whole train to hear and the title "She Wuz Gaggin fer it mun" was one key phrase from his blab. I drew this based off his voice. I don't imagine he was actually wearing a suit or anything haha.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Day 63: COFFEE
I was on a train to Cardiff first thing in the morning and a man came round with a buffet cart. He startled me so much I ordered coffee. It was cheap coffee but did the trick. I felt much the same effect as this poor dragon.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Day 62: And It Goes By The Name Of...
Well I wouldn't say this is actually a picture of London. I was just thinking of Wordsworth and Turner when I drew this piece. I think its because Question Time is on the TV next to me (darn you Nick Griffin and your distracting ways, you strange, strange man!).
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Day 61: He's Only Sleeping
Aren't people sleeping on trains funny? A one point this guy had his jaw so open I wanted to switch seat and throw jelly beans- except I had no jelly beans and the seats were all full.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Day 60: Happy Duckie
Its a happy duckie. I went to Bristol today to meet up with my mate Kate (hello Kate, I know you're reading this =P) it was great and I got to draw a lot on the train there and back. I drew this guy on the way back, he's a possible design for a friends birthday card :] I also started character designs for the Egyptian kids book. I'm really excited for it, it looks like fun project :D :D That's all from me now, I'm going to fall asleep whilst the other half watches Stargate for "research" :)
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Day 59: lil 'Gyptian Boy
So the plans to make a children's book based on an Egyptian story are continuing. This little fella is quite far from the designs I have in mind but he's still cute so he wins. Must work on posing characters.. Hmm. Anyways! I'm off to Bristol tomorrow to visit my mate Kate. Fun times had by all. :]
Monday, 19 October 2009
Day 58: A Breeze Rolls In
Well its getting nippy out and I've spent most of today with gloves on and a hoodie. Admittedly I've also been indoors but that's not the point, I've still experienced the biting cold. I'm really happy with this picture. The wind looks just how I want it to and so, infact, does the boy- except maybe the mouth but that's not important in the scheme of things. In other news I got, and built (with the fiance's help) a lovely new desk today so I can draw and work properly now! Yay!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Day 57: what?
You wouldn't believe I'd spent most of today down the beach and talking about making a kid's book based on Egypt? Anyway its been a lovely day, even if it featured a lot of forms in the later half. Anyways this started out as some kind of building, then machine, then costume design then.. Well I don't know where it ended up. Enjoy!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Day 56: Thats gotta hurt
I've been aching a lot today, I think the Sinusitis is doing its worst. Anyway this image is basd off those pains and, kinda, how they felt- although there is a lot of creative license going on. I suppose this is a mutant rather than a zombie or monster. Either way it doesn't look pleasant, especially the broken wrist, not to mention the spikes growing out of the leg.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Day 55: Evil eye
After I finished this guy I noticed he bears more than a passing resemblance to the bad guy in Treasure Planet. No matter, its not a rip or anything. I got there purely by pushing facial anatomy around to create something a bit more unsettling than your standard skull.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Day 54: Thinking
I started watching Buffy from the first series today as I was drawing. I had an interview today which was nice, it seemed to go quite well. Anyways, I quite like this woman, I've been trying to draw women more, especially non-geeky or old types. Thats all from me for now! Tara
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Day 53: She is Short
I met this strange woman today as I was doing a dry-run to my job interview tomorrow (mainly because I'm relying on buses for the whole thing). She was very very short and a bit strange. She also it turned out had the same destination only she works there. Anyways, job interview tomorrow! Wish me luck!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Day 52: Dragons, Monsters and Old Ladies
Well I spent something in the way of 3 hours on buses today and a lot more travelling between places so that gave me a lot of time to think and draw. The old lady is one of the first drawings I did today and the far left dragon one of the last. The lady is also drawn from life, the creatures though, are not. Also all of these were drawn on a very bumpy bus which eventually made me quite travel sick [better now]. Anyways hope you lot like it, I did another pile of sketches today but I think these guys came out best. Tara!
Monday, 12 October 2009
Day 51: Brucey
Today's art is of Bruce Campell in the comic book of Army Of Darkness [Ashes to Ashes] drawn by Nick Bradshaw. I really love the artist's style so I had a little go at it. Out of all the things I've drawn today this came out by far the best so here you go. :)
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